Hyperlocal Technology Cooperative Collective


Cooperative Membership

DMV.DEV is a Technology Collective Cooperative.

DMV Collectives fulfill the duties necessary to bring the Cooperatives into fruition as fair, safe, and pedagogical ecosystems that anyoone can participate in for lifelong creativity, self expression, and goodwill.

DMV Cooperatives encourage all Members to participate, contribute, and to learn to fill the roles at all levels of the Collectives through empathetic reciprocity as cooperative compliance.

DMV Colleges are the formative, generative, and productive pedagogy that permeates every level across every facet of the DMV to ensure that all efforts are towards lifelong pedagogical ecosystems

Each and every Member agrees to the DMV social contract that governs the ethics, norms, and obligations to the College, Collectives, Cooperatives, to each other as Members, and to the world around us.